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FREE Member PERKS: Pro Gallery
FREE Member PERKS: Pro Gallery

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All the information, exercises, programs, techniques, ideas, examples and digital material (together ‘Content’) accessed on or through this website are for educational purposes, are general in nature and are not in any way to be construed as individual or personal advice. The Content does not take into account your individual health, medical, physical or fitness ability.

Results vary from individual to individual. For this reason, performance, progress and success is reliant on the individual and the goals they set for themselves. We cannot and do not guarantee any particular results and you are responsible for your own progress.

You are responsible for consulting a suitable medical professional before trying any of the fitness programs, exercises or techniques or following any of the Content offered on this website that may directly or indirectly affect your health or well-being.

You understand that your participation in these activities may involve a risk of injury and you take full responsibility and risk for making any decision or taking any action based on the Content on this website.

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